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Monthly Meets - Free morning for kids!

1st FRIDAY OF EVERY month, 9am - 12pm

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Meet - Eat - Play
On the first FRIDAY of every month we organise a morning of fun for parents and pre-school children on our covered balcony! Meet with friends and join us for laughter, food and engaging activities for your kids. Best of all, it’s FREE! Follow our Instagram @monthlymeets or join our Facebook page ‘Monthly Meets’ to find out what we have planned. Cookie decorating, crafts, character visits, music, mandarin picking and treasure hunts are just a few of the exciting activities we offer. Something new each month!

PLUS - exclusive to Monthly Meets caregivers receive a free coffee for every $50 or more spent in store!

Seasonal Celebrations



Celebrate with us!

Whether it’s Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Easter or Christmas; join us in-store to help us celebrate special occasions throughout the year. Follow our Boric Food Market Facebook page or Instagram to keep up to date on our latest events.